In a Flash!: 500 words….

My Letter from Cape Town today is a Short Story based on the haircut I had this morning. The worm in my head never lets up – all places and people have mysteries and when I throw some words at…

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Mile High

The Newest Member Mike felt uncomfortable as soon as he sank into the leatherette of the Alaska Airlines seat. Not because of any omission or imperfection in the airline’s arrangements for his comfort or convenience; Alaska Airlines tend to look…

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My entry for the Flash Fiction competition. Flash Fiction has to be under 500 words, and usually I try, as a challenge, to make it EXACTLY 500 words. But this story refuses. Its intention is not to answer questions, but…

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Short story? Not Long Now

December 1932   Clouds scudded through Berlin skies. Seated on a bench in the Tiergarten, Ilse and me, just looking at the sky together. “Do you see the cloud there?” She asked, “that one!” She pointed almost above our heads….

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Flash Fiction: A Retirement

Flash Fiction is a Short Story in either 100 or 500 words. Here is a 500 word tale, based on a very real story. (See 31 Years She had worked for the Council for 31 years and on her last…

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Tube Surf: No Exit

When you are in the darkness you forget the light. You don’t see the exit.  You don’t believe there is one and if there were, you wouldn’t want it. When I saw the tube train approaching I had to decide which…

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Tube Mind

One of a series of short short stories written about London’s sweaty Underground system, this story is on the darker side of the imagination and is especially poignant in these times….what would you have done? Straphanging on the Piccadilly line, near…

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On the tube I sat and wrote..

The writer should never stop writing. The writer cannot stop writing. The magic words are “what if…?” The Zoggian There are not many orphans from the Zog wars who made it to planet Earth, but Gerdin was certainly one. At…

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Flash Fiction: In a Phew words…

The suicide note said “sorry for the inconvenience”. He carried his iMac in his back pack. He had wiped everything off the hard drive, except The Novel. He planned to leave it with the note on the platform when he…

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