
My entry for the Flash Fiction competition. Flash Fiction has to be under 500 words, and usually I try, as a challenge, to make it EXACTLY 500 words. But this story refuses. Its intention is not to answer questions, but…

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Letter from America 10: Climate dump!

Want a SHORT easy route to having an opinion on Trump’s effect on Climate Change? Here is a summary for your convenience to give you the essential information for that next dinner party or coffee-break conversation.  In 2009 BO was…

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Letter from America 8: A Play for Today

Picture: Sexist meets “rapist” Scene: a gold-plated conference room at the top of Trump Tower. Bright red curtains festoon the windows. A Louis XIV Boulle reproduction desk is at centre stage rear, side-on to the stage. A low gilded…

5 responses

Letter from America 7: Who Cares?

Letter from America 7: who cares? Fascinating discussion over dinner. Who cares? I mean, why does the Facebook generation care more about cats than the rats who they have voted in to run the place? Miaow! “There’s nothing wrong with…

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Letter from America 4: Judge Not

“It’s the best tacos in town” she said in her wonderfully Mexican-accented American, so I had to believe her. After all, she should know. Her family comes from Tijuana, just over the border. I’ll call her S, because I don’t…

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