ELECTION DIARY – Translations!

What does it all MEAN, fa f-sake! Mourning for Manchester Every blogger in the world is writing about Manchester. Rather than repeat all the horror we feel, the sense of desperation in the face of the senseless slaughter of innocents,…

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A Love Letter from Tokyo

Lucky me! Invited by Sasori to spend 10 days in Japan! Here are my initial thoughts… A Bullshit Interpretation of Japanese History Theory: the Japanese are pan-galactic superior beings who settled on their tiny islands and embarked on a centuries-long…

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A Beast…a Short Story

  Another story in the Nasty Little Things Collection. I remember my first victim so well. They say you always remember your first time and since I’ve never had proper sex, my first murder took my virginity. He was my…

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  This train-wreck civilisation broken, Its scraps disseminated and the dogs Seek their master’s  throats Singing I lurk under a thorn tree which makes a cave around my bruised head. The cries of pursuer and pursued punctuate the horizon like…

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Ear Worms, Eumatezoa, Boxers, Fate.

To what extent do I manufacture my world? Are you a figment of me? How and why can I be reading the paper and listening to the radio and the second my eye lights on a word, say “manipulative” someone…

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Toad Moves In!

“From now on,” Mr Toad said expansively, “this great ugly pile will be called Toad Hall. After me. Like all my huge massive best wonderful incredible fantastic best in the world businesses!” With a gesture he stopped the motorcade at…

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