Brexit Wrecks it!

Bye bye Great Britain, we’re Little England now We’ve dumped the Euros and de-standardised the cow We’ve resmoked the air and unstocked the Thames And put things all back together again! We can now go back to living in sin…

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Japanese and Compassion?

Japan 1600: the Legalists under the Tokugawa end centuries of internecine warfare between clans and unite Japan, with the Emperor a powerless figurehead. Four hundred years followed of oppression by sword. Enforced by a network of samurai and informants. The…

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Ready to leave? Yet? Put away Regret? Brushed the carpet? Fed the pet? Is your face scraped And your underwear clean? Licked the window? Packed away The Dream? Have you any idea Do you know How, precisely, you’re going To…

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In the garden at the V&A

Wishing I were an exhibit An iconic one like Tipoo’s tiger Or a Rodin Immobile And Composed Receiving as my due A glance or two. I’m stuck. Alone, like you Unable to summon the pluck to say hello. You go….

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More and Less😐

  In my journey From A to Z Now near the end of my alphabet at last (Or at least I hope so) Here where Everything is so much less (Even less clear) where maintenance is the only task, Repairs…

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Silly hair 😉

How the people stare! When you indulge in silly hair If gold or green Or something between Or cut and shaped like a soup tureen Or styled  with dash Above the eye Or tortured with The latest dye Or tied…

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Tube Mind

One of a series of short short stories written about London’s sweaty Underground system, this story is on the darker side of the imagination and is especially poignant in these times….what would you have done? Straphanging on the Piccadilly line, near…

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I Read the Guardian this Morning and Wept

Apparently Omar  Mateen visited the Pulse disco several times before he attended with a 9mm semiautomatic pistol and a .233 calibre AR-15 style assault rifle. On the occasions when he visited before, did he dance? Did he have a good…

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Feathers in the Stone

Education has been my mortgage-payer since 1998. Surrounded by the eternal chatter of the developing mind, ensconced in a system which elevates the Blame Game into public policy; within an environment in which Theory Y is the way to fly;…

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The Blond Bumshells!

What is the reason for Trump and Johnson? Why did any concatenation of karmic forces combine in such a devilish way to create two such patently dangerous menaces to society, to peace, to the environment, to sanity? Ok, I confess,…

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