Letter from America 7: Who Cares?
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Letter from America 7: who cares?

Fascinating discussion over dinner. Who cares? I mean, why does the Facebook generation care more about cats than the rats who they have voted in to run the place? Miaow!

“There’s nothing wrong with life today,” He said. Then he added, “I want facts not opinions so I use the Internet”. Seriously. He said that. Uhhhh….of course his friends on FB all have the same opinions. And they post video and “news” that supports those opinions or ideas. Which is why he is convinced Obama “admitted to being a Muslim, man. I know! I saw it on the internet!” You dick. Completely fake. Then “Even Pope Francis endorsed Trump! I know man, I saw it on the Internet!” You double dick. As fake as a three pound note. Over 1.2 million people viewed this nonsense and I imagine a huge number believed it.

Who cares.

“Are you joking,” he said later, wiping a speck of blood from his lips, Why should I read the news! It’s TMI!” To understand his arcane language, you have to understand the acronyms. Too Much Information. “Mostly, that stuff is TLDR!” And that one means, Too Long Didn’t Read and that applies to much on FB. You know when you post something close to the heart? No one ever presses “read more”. Often I don’t, to be honest. Especially if I think the content, e.g. Football results from Estonia, or the latest on your cat’s cuteness are not too exciting.

He sat back in his chair looking immensely smug and in control. “I never read YOUR posts! They’re just rants! Always ranting about this and that. Boring!” Under his seat, a solitary termite chewed at the leg of the chair.

And a sword, suspended over his head, waved in the fetid breeze from the burning city outside.

“Worry not about the youth!

They’re so happy Post Truth

Give them cats and jolly memes and say

There’s nothing wrong with life today!”

See http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-37995600

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