2017 blues? Cheer up. no responses
Ok, the Trumpets play,
The brexit signs gleam and the prophets of doom
Seem serene. The gloom
Descends as the snow gathers. Friends!
Would you rather bore
The world with becoming
Furled in the mire of despairing?
Or go down the road singing?
No! I say, we who are about to die,
Play! In the gathering dark
Laugh! Ignite the spark of comedy!
Satire speaks from the heart. Depart!
Ye portents of doom. Fart! In the faces of stupidity
Blow their abandoned logic to eternity!
Sing! This is Saturnalia, this is the Feast of Fools,
For us, this is defeat.
….and when they have destroyed us all, our treat
As the last light begins to go
remains “I Told You So.”