Vince Cable has launched into the Social Networks with tooth and claw and in Vincent’s case, the teeth may be a little rotten and the claws somewhat calcified, but the dear man does have a record of speaking the truth…

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It took me a while to be Green. I’ve always been shades of pink you see- starting from the basic theory that all men are born equal, and the Blues (in the UK the Blues are the Tories) would never…

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There were something like 54 comments to my blog in the last couple of months which I  stored and ignored because I am a paranoid blogger who has heard far too many horror stories. There are the obvious selling spams,…

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Winnie as I love to remember her: so beautiful, so serene and yet to experience bitterness and hatred And yet – there is a sense of embattlement in her eyes. It’s as if she has been resisting all her life….

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