CoP28 – Conference or Con? 4 responses
Will #COP28 be a JaberWock?
There can be no doubt about man’s effect on the climate of our Earth. Brilliant scientists with access to mountains of data have confirmed this. Our emissions of Carbon Dioxide and Methane, amongst other gases are facing us with the biggest challenge ever faced by Humanity as a whole: a crisis we seem unwilling to face. CoP – the Conference of the Parties – was set up to analyse the causes and effects of Climate Change, and to investigate ways to limit, control and prevent the worst outcomes.
The production and use of Fossil Fuels is by far the largest cause of the emissions which threaten the existence of life on Earth..
The latest CoP starts today. The 28th Conference is in Dubai.
The CoP28 website shows a cheery commitment to save the world for life. https://www.cop28.com
Yet the President of CoP28 which takes place in the UAE is to be Dr Sultan Al-Jaber. The Dr (Dr Who???) is CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. Today it was revealed (no surprise) that the Conference will be used to conduct private meetings with delegates to negotiate oil contracts. Surely, the fox has been put in charge of the henhouse!
Sadly, the most cynical amongst us seem to have had our worst nightmare confirmed: The ‘good Doctor’ appears to regard the Conference as an opportunity to negotiate deals with participant countries – not to reduce oil consumption, but to increase it. For profit.
Here’s part of my response. When fury is not enough, poetry helps.
Jaber wacky
Twas brillig and the oily cove
Did lie and gamble on the wave
And merrily make deals and steal
Our hope our frabjous world to save
And from the slime our world to heal
When this fox has made a meal
Of us chickens! Truly it is said
That once we all of us are dead
A pile of gold upon our head
On our tombs a heavenly hand will write
‘Herein lies the world in shit
Buried in oil
For sheer profit’
Meanwhile: What about the Saudis?
Just like Big Tobacco – when restrictions were placed on the sale of their lethal product, the Saudis plan to shift their marketing to Africa. They have set up a network of organisations to do just that, under the direction of their climate-change denying Energy Minister who reports to the infamous MBS, Mohammed Bin Salman, the possible instigator of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. If this evil plan goes ahead, he will be an accessory to the murder of much of the life on this Planet.
Fury is not enough. Poetry will have to do.
We will not have the oil pulled over our eyes.
We see your hypocrisy, and your lies!
And when our children are choked by your fumes
And burnt by your fires or drowned by your floods
Or blown by the winds off the surface of Earth
Do you feel justified in giving them birth?
Can you from the Hell that you have made
Watch as the children you so vilely betrayed
Cry out with horror,
Here lies my father, buried in shit
Who sold out the World, for sheer
Fortunately for the world we have our free media, free to investigate and report on those who put life on this Planet in peril. For profit.
We see you. We see Greenwashing. We see hypocrisy. And much as you may hate Democracy and a free press, you will not get away with trashing our planet.
REMEMBER: You live here too.

These are frightening people ou pallie. Be careful
Yeh I know. I’m old, sick and sicker of what the conmen and liars are doing to the Planet. It’s so easy just to say, ho hum we’re effed. No point. Just party until the end of days. I mean, we’ve seen so much, you & me. We’ve seen ideals grow, be crushed, grow again, get trampled underfoot – and still our ideal of liberal democracies under the leadership of enlightened compassionate souls, seems to emerge time and time again. It’s easy to be downhearted at the rise of the Populists, the inevitability of climate catastrophe – but let’s never give up. Even from under the heels of the mad and the ignorant, the greedy and the narcissists, we can shout, protest, refuse to submit, HOWL!
Theres no such thing as climate change. Wake up
Yes there is! Wake up and smell the Science.