Corona Chronicles Part 1: 9 responses
Let’s Get Through This!
Strategy 1: Reach out
This blog is the first of a series which should give you strategies for getting through 12 weeks of isolation. These strategies are the result of brilliant insights gained at 3.52am every morning, when my eyes pop open and, with a groan, I contemplate yet another day on my prison island.
- Copy & Paste the following into Notes (if you have an iPhone) or wherever you can keep useful stuff on your inferior iPhone clone.
I am in lockdown on Isolation Island and to prevent insanity I am reaching out to everyone I know to say, https://youtu.be/8f1z-nHvt3c (skip ad!) There is no need to reply, but if you want to, please send me one brilliant tip for surviving the Plague. Here’s mine: Open your CONTACTS or ADDRESS BOOK and send this message to everyone in it.
- Go through the As in your Address Book, deleting anyone you haven’t heard from or spoken to in the past year.
- Send this message to all the remaining A’s using Messages, or WhatsApp, FB Messenger, Facebook, or whatever method you enjoy most.
- Wait for responses. Delete anyone who doesn’t reply (Unless it’s Aunt Flopsy who never reads messages, lives on Flopsy Island and eats children).
- Repeat for B, C, D et al.
That should keep you busy!
Strategy 2: Write a LIMERICK!
Limericks have only one purpose; upcheering!
There once was an author called Arthur
Whose works would remain ever after
Well that’s what he said
While boiling his head
To the sound of hysterical laughter!
Yeh yeh what’s that got to do with Corona/Covid?
More strategies coming….what are yours?
There was a young lady called Dina,
Who ate all her mother’s best china,
When the doctor was called,
He was rather appalled,
At the shards in Dina’s vagina.
…could your initials possibly be RGB?
There was a cute little virus
Who thought she was made of papyrus
The Book of the Dead
Was wrote on her head
……………….. stylus!
(Oh bugger I can’t do the last line!)
(me neither)
With a hieroglyph of a stylus!
…that’s brilliant!
I know.
…Turns out it was just Miley Cyrus.
How did you guess….(Insert hysterical emoji)