Covid-19: Essential Notice for Readers 14 responses
Well, I asked for it and I got it. Having posted a satirical flippant article on The Virus, I wanted to know if my readers regarded it as inappropriate in these early days of the global pandemic. The answer was, by a narrow margin, that I should take it down. I have therefore done that by deleting every paragraph except the last one (thank you Mariette for the suggestion. Of course you are quite right.) I will write a few words below here, as a replacement.
I want to thank all of you who got in touch either here or by email. It’s very heartening to know how many people enjoy (or hate) my writing.
Next week there will be another blog on this, or another subject. If you would like to read the original blog for your personal and private amusement, (do not share!) send me an email.
Hello dear readers
I have just learned that my partner of 38 years has contracted Coronavirus. As we were together in the aftermath of my accident, there is a high probability that I may have been infected. I am asymptomatic at the moment, but this could change any time. I am very concerned about Partner, who is alone in Shropshire. This could be another reason I no longer regard the Pandemic as a subject for levity. If I get the disease my chances of dying are around 45% owing to my age and pre-existing conditions. Partner will survive.
What a great lesson this is being for me. Summed up in “all very well, until it affects YOU.” And it will. Until we’ve been through the rite-of passage, the test Covid puts us through, no-one can feel safe.
This frightening disease is getting closer to each one of us by the minute. How many people do you know with it? As each day passes, that number will grow. And then, in the words of Niemoller, “…and then they came for us”.
So PLEASE, because I love each and every one of you (including Grigor!)
- Wash those hands lots
- Self-isolate if in any doubt (I have!)
- If in public, keep your distance. 2 Metres, not 1!
- If you’re one of those people I saw swarming around Borough Market on TV last night, or any other market, or shop, GO HOME! You have a duty to others and to yourselves and to your family.
- Coronavirus is nothing to laugh about. Not until the danger is passed at least. Yes I know we all need to be uplifted. Leave that job to Netflix and the others.
- If you GET it, once you have recovered, go out and help others.
Thus endeth the lesson. And endeth my replacement blog. So again, thank you all and I’m very sorry.
A serious note. I apologise to you all for not having blogged for some time. This is the reason: I had a serious bike accident. My scarf caught in the wheel of my bike and sent me flying. I fell on my head and have just spent a great deal of time in St Mary’s Serious Trauma Unit. I will blog about this in more depth when I can bear to tell the story without welling up at the extreme kindness of strangers.

About time you honoured us with a blog! I’ve had nothing to read in the toilet for ages. Hey, this virus is serious you know. Maybe at this stage levity is inappropriate. Maybe think about the suffering and deaths too, ok? You have a great sense of humour. Stick to politics and other comedies.
You are right as usual.I seriously apologise if I have upset anyone suffering from this terrible disease, as well as extending my condolences to anyone who has lost friends or family. I do believe that I am next – and I won’t survive. If so, I want to go thumbing my nose at death, sticking my tongue out at the virus, laughing hysterically at the enforced hiatus in our attempt to destroy the earth. I am so reminded of HG Wells’ War of the Worlds. How were the Martians ultimately defeated? By a tiny virus or bacteria, a minuscule harbinger of death
Is Grigor right? Is it too soon for satire? Please email me using the form below. Should I take this post down? So far 2/3 of people say I should. I will decide by 6pm GMT
Well, it made ME laugh! We need a laugh in these times! Sharing lots!
Agreed! But then someone who has lost a partner or friend wouldn’t
You not funny. Thier are lots of people dead and more will come. I used to like yr blog.
Satire is supposed to annoy people. But usually it’s to annoy the enemy. This is fine but everyone can get this virus. Not just the enemy. And it’s no-one’s fault as well.
I suggest you only post the last paragraph, the one addressed to Neva Rochon, factually stating to refer to government recommendations.
Surely there is no legal obligation to do this? That was what I was questioning really, by taking a sideways view.
This was a great piece to read, among the very awful and fear invoked posts I see on my feed daily.
We need someone to step in and play a little music, sing a little song, make a little joke and generally just soften the blow on how serious the world is.
Generally that falls to artists because who better to do the job and who else has tougher skin in a world where every word that leaves your mouth, must be socially acceptable.
Well now, what ever happened to freedom of speech? What kind of response were they looking for?
I myself have thought of writing about the Covid19 outbreak but I have much to say, that people really don’t want to hear, they’d prefer we give them what the press gives them and unfortunately that isn’t going to happen.
I loved it.
Grigor needs to relax. Maybe start his own blog on ‘how to be Conceited’ because his comments are just that, every single time.
The epitome of 🙄 (I wish this face had a name)
Much love from SA. I hope you are recovering well x
Thank you Lorna! Much appreciated. Grigor is certainly- uh interesting. He always follows my blogs (hi Grigor) and I do enjoy his comments. Acerbic as they sometimes are…Love to all my South African followers! Yes I am recovering, slowly and surely. Or sorely.
Not fair. I love Elkon blogs. Just not this one.
That’s okay.
Not everyone enjoys all your comments.
Be safe out there. 🙂
The vote to take the humorous blog down was over 60%, which, had this been a vote for Brexit, even I would support. Though in this case there was (probably) no Russian intervention.
I have therefore replaced it, this is the right decision. People are dying, and that could include people I love, including me. (It doesn’t matter if the person suffering is Uncle George or a total stranger, each death diminishes us and if we can do anything to protect ourselves and others we must do it.) Sorry. Let’s find something else to joke about. Please survive! I love you lots.