UPDATE 7 responses
Over 18 deadline PASSED! Under 18 deadline 29th July
The MEGASAGA COMPETITION enters its final weeks! And Britain boils with excitement – well, to be honest, the incredible heat in the UK today is more to do with Climate Change than your 100 word stories…
The deadline for JUNIOR entries is MIDNIGHT UK TIME FRIDAY 29th July
The SHORTLIST will be published here at the end of the month, with comments from three published writers to help you refine and improve your craft. And within a year, I propose to publish a book of the best Megasagas, illustrated, from the five years I have been running the Competition. The collection will be sold in aid of an African Educational charity. More information closer to publication date.
The JUDGES this year are Laura Sebastian, author of the wonderful Ash Princess series – her website is here https://laurasebastianwrites.com, and Joie Davidow, singer and author, whose excellent novel An Unofficial Marriage is currently making music in my head. Her website is here http://www.joiedavidow.com. And me!
One entrant who has submitted 3 (the maximum) said ‘It’s been an amazing exercise. The discipline is so testing, it’s like producing a Haiku or a Sonnet. Yet very satisfying!’
It’s not easy! But it’s great fun. I’ve been doing them for years, and frankly I love the process.
FOR THE RULES OF THE COMPETITION SEE http://jonelkon.com/writing-competition-2022/
HERE’S ONE I MADE EARLIER……(Sorry – just having fun!)
He carefully pushed the curtain aside, cringing back as a ravening sunbeam leapt into the room. The carpet began to smoke, so he rushed to push the curtain back into place .’Hah!’ he said. ‘at last it’s working!’ Casually, he upended his full coffee-cup on the smoking carpet and giggled. Just time to finish the contracts he had started in gleeful anticipation of this precious moment. ‘Let’s see….’ he said. He poked a cigarette out of the window where it happily leapt into a friendly glow and began to type. By evening, he had finished.
Aaaah…. exactly 100 words, including the title. Just for a spot of demonic fun…Yours can be tragic, funny, intriguing, sunny!
WRITE ONE NOW! I can’t wait to read it….
SEND YOUR STORY or stories with the title MEGASAGA 5 ENTRY to jonelkon3@gmail.com
I see you have actually addd a day? Or is that a mistake?
Well spotted there! Yes, I have quietly added a day. Looking forward to your entry!
I sent you my entry
Make sure I win. There’s a nice new house waiting for you in Hout Bay
I wrote to you to say I set my High School pupils an exercise to write a “Megasaga” and I’ve run our own competition here. Is there a chance you can postpone the deadline for the Junior entries by a week?
There is a possibility that I may be extending the deadline for Junior entries. Watch this space. Great idea to have a competition in the School!
Grigor – make it a castle in Spain and I’ll consider awarding you Second Prize! (There is no second prize)