Do Lame Ducks Fly? 4 responses
Like every other Brit, I can’t believe the depth of the sh…t we have had spattered at us. The most incredibly incompetent Prime Minister we have ever had, who appointed the most incompetent Chancellor of the Exchequer in history (a PhD in Economic History, to be exact. It’s like asking a History Professor to do Brain Surgery) , a Health Secretary who is an obese smoker (the clue is in the name!) a Home Secretary whose pronouncements in her former role revealed ignorance about virtually every aspect of Government) and in general a Cabinet of knaves and fools.
Many of whom are hard of hearing, especially the males. When Truss announced that her catchphrase would be ‘Growth growth growth’, they heard ‘grope grope grope’ and went out to show how loyal they were by doing as much groping as possible. The surprise on their faces when she fired them!
As I type, Librium Liz is spouting her catchphrases in a desperate attempt to divert the press and public by u-turning on everything she and KamiKwasi, her former Chancellor, had stated as their core values, based on Thatcherite and Reaganite discredited Economics of ‘trickle down’. ‘I want to be honest’, she’s saying, whilst tying herself in webs of dissimulation, obfuscation and sloganeering, using the standard workbook in order to attempt to deflect and deny.
To every question she has been asked, she returns a slogan. She is an embarrassment to her party, herself and her Country. What a performance! Only 4 questions taken, two of which from Tory-supporting papers. A brief and terrified statement. Rabbit in headlights. Or lame duck in spotlight.
Is this the best you can come up with? 😉 I cant believe you Brits voting for shower after shower so you drown in showers. You brung it on yourselfs!
Hey, I didn’t vote for them! If Ms Truss’ catchphrase if Grope Grope Grope mine is ‘Told You So!’Or, in the holy words of Douglass Addams ‘Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Beeblebrox!’
She’s a lame duck alright. But who would the English choose to succeed her?
Surprise surprise! She fired him, and her new Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt has U-Turned on every policy she and Kwasi dreamed up inn their Hayekian neo-liberal capitalist fantasy world. Lizzy dizzy, ‘Trickle Down Economics’ is a busted flush. Even the gamblers who make millions playing the markets know that. Rich people, when they get even more money, seldom invest it in businesses, they prefer to send it offshore, or to buy another yacht or house or champagne breakfast. No poor person gets a cent except the doorman who parks their Maserati, might get a few cents more as a tip. Probably not.
The only way to keep poor people in food and heating and encourage growth is to invest in infrastructure. Better NHS, schools, housing, transport and above all, renewable energy! Bloody Tories….mutter mutter grumble grumble…bloody eeeedjits….