Green Dreams – in Verse! 9 responses
Hounslow Green Party is bursting with talented poets!!
Here is a brief selection of poetry (and doggerel) that has delighted me this week. Please attempt not to be offended. Blame the original writers whose works have influenced our Poet Laureates
On reading Betjeman’s ‘Views of the Town Clerk’ by JOHN BAKER
Let’s turn our thoughts to Brentford first
Of tedious towns among the worst
The clearing work is nearly done
Historic buildings have all gone….
We should have trees, the Greens will cry
So plant with Ash! it soon will die…
Help Putin fund his squalid war
Approve gas guzzling Ballymore…..
A statue is needed in the square
Steven Curran surely should be there….
Entice the stinking cads from Slough
Brentford suits them better now…
The Grime of the Ancient Mariner by TONY FIRKINS

Water, water, every where,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, every where,
Nor any drop to drink.
The very deep did rot: O Christ!
That ever this should be!
Yea, slimy things did crawl with legs
Upon the slimy water quality.
About, about, in reel and rout
The death-fires danced at night;
The water, like a witch’s oils,
Burnt green, and blue and white.
And some in dreams assurèd were
Of the Spirit that plagued us so;
The River Brent followed us
From the land of mist and snow.
….and here’s one from me!
SUV by Jon Elkon

What a joy is is to see
A silly prick in an SUV!
With a flick of mastery
He’s looking down at you and me
Such pretentious rickery!
What a joy it is to see
A dummy mummy in an SUV
Soooo much room for baby Gee
Looking down at you and me
It’s a world-defying mystery!
Oh men and women who greenly strive
To keep our precious specie alive
While dummy mummies and pricks agree
That looking down from their SUV
And lording it so definitively
Makes them better than you and me!
Do YOU have a Green Poem you’d like to share? Send it by email or as a comment here!
Who/what and where is the Hounslow Green Party? Can I come? I’m a party person
Very funny Grigor. Time you joined the Greens
To My Dad
The Earth is doomed and we are too
And so I say it’s thanks to you
Gen X is ruined and left to trace
The very end of the human race!
And as you set off in your SUV
To Heaven’s Gate in time for tea
I’ll wave you off without a tear
Bye bye daddy, your daughter is queer
Your son has signed up with Just Stop Oil
And your wife is trying to lance her boil
And the neighbours all have nothing to do
And so dear Daddy, all due to you!
Brilliant!!!! Love it! (ps is that you, daughter dear?)
Poetry readings next meeting please
That would depend on the poets! If you (I suspect I know who you are 😊) give us a song
Green I am and Green I’ll be
Until at least half pass three
While old men chat and drink their wine
The Climate continues to decline
One day we freeze the next we burn
Humanity has nowhere left to turn
Floods and fires are killing us
We drive our cars, won’t take a bus
We fly in planes we burn fossil oil
And we’re surprised when we boil!
(This is the first poem I have written. There is no longer anything left to laugh about. I am frightened for my grandchildren)
Marg, you’re right to say there’s nothing to laugh at. People are dying from Climate Change, as your poem makes clear. I am sorry if the tone of this post may appear a little light-hearted, I assure you we in the Green Party are deadly serious about the existential threat facing us.