Letter to America 67b 5 responses
To my New York Cousin
Dear Cuz
I haven’t forgotten you though I’m considering forgetting everything else.
How are you? In this biodegrading world? At least you lot have had a respite from the collapse of western civilisation. I wish you a deep ‘phew!’ Don’t ‘phew too loud, someone might hear. Even Mudrock! Who lives only a few blocks from you in Manhattan. If he were to hear any ‘liberal’ sighs of relief he would dump Trump, call him Humpty Trumpy and put all his evil machinations to the service of De Santis.
Too late! He has! MNM> (for the elderly amongst us that stands for Make No Mistake and is not to be confused with MSM, which is what the Rabid Right call an illusory monster which seems determined to unveil all their dirty secrets. They’re terrified of it.) De Santis is a real threat to democracy and the world. While Trump is merely a deluded narcissistic clown with too many penises, Ron is One Big Dick. And remember how critical the Name Game is. ‘Trump’ means, something or someone determined to beat everyone to prove his superiority. Whereas De Santis means Of the Saints. Shiver in thy boots oh world! A creature who thinks he is beloved of ‘God’. Who thinks he is capable of miracles! Whose mission is to ‘save mankind’.
We, on the other hand, are juggling with Prime Minsters. There seems to be a factory producing defective humans specially designed for this purpose. What monsters they make! The Truss was the funniest: made out of spare parts left by Maggie Thatcher, operated by a defective clockwork mechanism, with a teddy- bear voice box programmed with only three words, all of them ‘growth’
The latest one is rather diminutive and has aspects of Ken, you know, Barbie’s boyfriend. In an attempt to persuade the public that this one is indeed human, he has been fitted with the CPU of an Amstrad computer of the early 80’s, programmed by Hayek, after he died.
Meanwhile the Extinction Event continues to ramp up. World leaders leave their massive carbon footprint all over Sharm el Sheik, jet trails from their private jets smothering the sky. And the hysterical voices of the Rabid Right continue their rants worldwide as their plans for world domination wax and wane, wax and wane.
I’m off to wax Wayne! Have a lovely birthday!
Hey diddle diddle
The Cons on the fiddle
Day by day it’s the same!
Tweets full of dribble
Lies in each syllable
Shifting the blame!
Cons in a muddle
Trying to befuddle
Playing the silly blame game
One thing’s for sure
There’s only one cure
Out Tories! Out! Out! OUT!
Bloody great! The picture anyway. The finger hat! I want one! The blog is funny too
Our POTUS could beat yours in a fist fight any day
Oh yeh? ….uh…yeh. Yours could fit ours under his armpit. But beware! Ours is a shape-shifter
Pure poetry
If you continue to use my name I will report you