Making Waves! 2 responses
Apologies for the blog gap. Afloat still in the Pandemics, wind-buffeted, I thought I’d send you an update. Be nice! Email me an update about you. There’s more of you than there are of me.
Hello dear friends.
Hey guess what – I’m writing a play! A stage play for the first time in many years. I had to look up the right format, and of course there’s a template on the web. Then I had to look up the right terminology for different parts of the stage. I love it! Not only can you create the characters, make them fight and f.,ck and sing and get drunk, and even lie in bed for the whole play with nothing to look forward to but the arrival of God or Apollo in a golden sky carriage.
– (do you remember the ‘not only’ in the paragraph above? that’s generally followed by a ‘but also;) but also you can watch them doing it! And chortle madly to yourself as you watch real people pretending to be other people and suffering at the point of your pen. Power! The deadline is 30th July and that’s really soon and I’m stressed.
Meanwhile, my latest novel, Ragazzo (working title) is creeping closer and closer to being in public. But then, each time it approaches that golden door an obstacle intrudes, and a major rewrite has to be done. An in-depth report from the brilliant Sam of Galley Beggar Press means hours more of work to make it sparkle even more.
…and my work for the Green Party calls daily, with the London Manifesto having to be rewritten to take in the lessons learned from the Pandemic.
The main lesson being stay in or you die. Everyone else, apparently, is allowed not to stay in and to die if they’re old enough.
….Yesterday I climbed into Red, my long-neglected carbon-farting Peugeot and drove it to Shropshire. Ok, everything, everyone shut up! No-one’s perfect least of all me (there’s a poem about the in my electrifying collection Some Day Soon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Some-Day-Soon-Jon-Elkon/dp/1985814382https://www.amazon.co.uk/Some-Day-Soon-Jon-Elkon/dp/1985814382) My principle is, keep the car – thus avoiding nasty shit polluting the oceans from poor Red after he/she/it meets its maker. Just don’t drive it. Well, hardly ever. cf Caroline Russell, Green Party.
And now here I am in the land of Occasional Broadband, fitting in a quick hello in between desperately trying to reach a deadline with my beloved novel Ragazzo, or, as I’m thinking of calling it, An Urchin. Or Ragamuffin
A quick hello! The fam has arrived.
…it goes without saying but I’m saying it anyway: I love you all.
I’ve done that, had a good rant and a moan. See Messenger. I have a question: there was an amazing pic on this blog when I first saw it and I understand why you deleted it. This picture you’ve replaced it with- did you do it? Only it’s somewhere between amateur and nuts. But I love it! If you didn’t do it I want to know who did.
Tis my crime and my crime alone. At least now those evil copyright bounty hunters got nothing on me!I’m going to wander through my old posts and bung some of my own drawings in there if I don’t have a photo of my own, or belonging to a friend, or an illustration way out of copyright. Keep an eye on my old posts for some surprises!