NEW POEMS 5 responses
Funny, funny ha ha, funny peculiar, deadly serious, ultimate introspection, infection, selection and defecation. And yes, some detestable doggerel too.
Since the publication of my collection Some Day Soon, my pen made these. Another collection is evolving, as am I

The Med is blue
This poem was written on my journey to Greece, where the yacht Flying awaited me in the harbour of Astypaleia. A plague ship! P had just informed me that a member of crew had Covid, and the other two were self-isolating. It starts, as so many epic journeys do, on the Tube….
Sunday. On the tube.
And here the invisible dust
Blows through our bodies
Ground metals pulverised glass
Interspersed with viruses
Alive and dead
Being and becoming
The Karmic parade passes, passes
(The Med is blue)
This Piccadilly line takes me from
Present to present along these
Karmic tracks
Eroding steel
Train to Gatwick :
Southward from Victoria
Trains and planes and boats
These boots are made for walking
(How to heal
A broken heart)
(What are we searching Google for?
Basic Greek Phrases)
NASA about to launch
Going to the moon
Pointed up
I’m pointed south
To my shame I took a ‘plane. I know! I can make excuses, I can give explanations, I can lie to myself and to you. Shame! I took a ‘plane!

The cloud-bothered Achaean sky
Between Olympus and heaven
And below
Giant feet have scored the Earth
Crinkled like insults mountains sulk
Folding secrets
A long wide river dried
Deterred from its function
The Med is blue, I’m told
But now whiteness hides Greece from me
We descend
This wine-dark sea
On a ferry from Piraeus

Only at night.
Here the dawn makes the sea rippled black
The fresh foam chases us
Skipping islands
About which all that can be said
Has been said
Thousands of years been said.
They’ve never had me before
In a plastic chair on a deck
Skimming my words lightly around them
The apogee of my karma this far.
They’ve never had beloved friends
Peter, Zelda, Maggie and Anna
waiting for me
At Astypaleia
Confined in their plague ship
Locked up with positive.
Never before. Ever.
The ferry Naxos grinds out and thrashes
Sea beneath my stern
(Mine and the ship’s)
Like years.
(My mother’s picture features on my iPad.
I didn’t select it.
An algorithm devised by others’ eyes
Put her there to protect me.
Hello Valerie! We were on a ferry – when?
Perhaps in Seattle, I remember!
To Whidby island, that’s right!
I took pictures then too.
I looked through the pictures.
Perhaps you weren’t there.
Except in an image
On my iPad)
THERE WILL BE MORE in my second volume of poems, THE WINE DARK SEA to be published in December 2023.
MEANWHILE a miscellany of ephemera…..
I reflect you

A shade as empty as a sliver
An echo of a silent sigh
A whisper of a breeze unblown
A disorder of spirit
let me see the ravaged face
You quietly hide
The shreds of your eyes
Lips bared back from teeth
Ground into sharp posts
We squeeze into this space so hard
Condensed into mere memory
Viced into tiny
Simulacra by
The delusion of a journey.
I murder myself words sharp as swords
If I could but
Swallow myself whole
I would
My mind to me a kingdom is

Betwixt the Earth and sky
Wherein the subtle difference lives
Between the you and I
And all I own, and all I give
And all that seeks me out
Makes of me a mystery
I cannot learn about.
Where light and dark are blended quite
Night made of lightness, dark made of light
Look closely into my eyes, beloved,
British politics continue to bug me. How on earth could Boris Johnson and his coterie of Bullingdon bullies and Eton messses stay so long in power? Since I wrote the poem below, he has resigned. Hurray. To be replaced by a billionaire bureaucrat.
Bugger off Boris
You cad!
Crawl back in your hole
We rumbled your artifice
Seen the emptiness in your soul
We watched as you shamed us
On the international stage
But when you shut your door and partied
Your bum hit the buffers
You were kicked out of Ten
And believe me Boris
More Tube Poems. Well, what else is there to do on the London Underground than depict, in words….

I don’t know what I’m doing
Or why
This train tunnels eastward under London. It knows where and why, or rather, the speck of human who faces the silver disappearing lines of track ahead knows. His name is Mohsin and he is picking his nose.
Why am I on this journey with you Mo?
Oh Mo I have nowhere to go
Or why
Beneath me earth, obove more earth
And above that, sky
I never tell you anything. you say
Or rather you don’t. We never speak anyway
We never tunnel underground
It’s with Mo I got to go
She wears the agony
Of oysters on her wrist and around her neck
Her sharpened nails blood red
And mouth painted sanguine
Smile full of tombstones
Creature of blood and death
Captive here in #ink
Some feast on life
And sleek and fat they take their fill
And then take more, and more until
We starve.
As for me, I prefer to #munch my due
And proceed down the path,
Here’s some for me and some for you
(Or Rather, I should!
But I ain’t made of……. You finish the rhyme!)
(If only I could!)
Cranes stalk the sky
Each glow of a baleful eye
Defying the night.
Wells had it right
The Martians invaded
With concrete and steal
In fiction defeated
By an #innocent virus

Cry! Shout out! Refuse!Stand! Protest! Revolt! Sit down! Stand up!
We who suffer
The burden of compassion
The disability of intelligence
The catastrophe of conscience
We who struggle
Tears in our eyes
To explain
Cannot be silent!
Must not
As those
Unburdened by conscience
Lacking compassion
Who use their intelligence
For their own perceived need
Irrespective of consequences
Rule –
Cry! Shout out! Refuse! Stand! Protest! Revolt! Sit down! Stand up!
Write! Give!
Our children have a RIGHT to LIVE
The death of Elizabeth Part 2 surprised me. My eyes leaked.
How to feel?
Granny is dead.
Mother has gone.
The massed legions of the dead
Will welcome with warm
Bereft of her smile
Of the wave of her gloved hand
We line for mile after mile.
A coffin, bereft of her smile.
Jon I like your poems sometimes I love them buy PzLEEZE can I have some context? Please put where and why in front of each one?
Ok good point thank you
You did it. I like them much better now
Me too
Please do a book of sailing poems. I love to sail. ‘Wine Dark Sea’ is Homer, right?