THE FINALISTS 22 responses
IT HAS BEEN A HUGE TASK to choose the three best megasagas (over 18s), one of which will be chosen as the winner of the £100 prize in four days time.
If YOU are not amongst the WINNERS, you are still a champion. It takes such courage to enter a competition! Repeat after me: ‘I am a wonderful writer and I’m going to show Jon Elkon and the judges of the 2022 competition how good I am.’ How? By continually working on your craft; by improving with everything you write; by reading good writers and being inspired by them. By always observing our fellow humans and using original words to make them live on paper. By making our world into words. By dreaming, and telling us your dreams.
The Judges are both readers and writers. Joie Davidow and Laura Sebastian are successful novelists, and KBE and CB are dear friends who read voraciously and critically.
The Judges say ‘I was impressed by the quality of the submissions! So much talent and imagination!’ (Joie Davidow) ‘…there is so much to commend in all the entries it’s almost impossible to pick the top three’ (Laura Sebastian) ‘I so enjoyed this process! I forgot how short they are – amazing to get so much into only a hundred words’ (KBE) ‘I can’t actually choose only three. All the stories on your short shortlist have something to commend them’ (CB)
The FINALISTS are presented not in order of preference!
I am magnificent. It is dusk and there are no frolickers disturbing my waves.
A woman watches me. Wait – is she admiring me, or the mediocre horizon? I am far more beautiful, much more worthy of her mesmerized gaze!
I send giggling ripples to tease her ankles. Yes! It works…she walks into my depths until my sand no longer feels her feet. My swells gently carry her beauty away from the beach. I am delighted because I want to keep her. I have many creatures but I have never had such a pretty one, all dressed in white.
The judges were all impressed by the way this writer commands words and images. She has the ability to toy playfully with the reader’s expectations, and then deliver her final blow in a devastating last sentence. This is a very confident, assured piece of writing in which every word has its place, there is never any wastage. ‘It ….was consistently coherent from the first word to the last, and I loved that he chose to tell his tale from the point of view of the sea.’
Mimicked Me
Perched upon my windowsill, underneath a serene dawn, glimpses of my tombstones peek at me through Willow trees. Each one bares my name. Underneath? Everyone I used to be. Below the gated area lay my emotions, no tombstones, I intricately stitched together masks that resembled these instead. My best work. Startled by my alarm clock, I remember this special day, it requires I smile. The voices within me begin to weep “dig up joy!” they cry. I scream and they fade. To my left, all my perfectly mounted masks and I whisper “The mimicked me, it will be.”
Here there are some wonderful images, and a tangle of metaphors which work extremely well to convey atmosphere. Personally, I’m allergic to any short story which ends with ‘it was just a dream.’ However, we realise that we have been in a dreamscape in the middle of the story, which allows the substance to unravel, ending with a tease. I stumbled on the spelling of “bare’ in the second line. Then I realised that in that context, “bare” as in “naked” is a poetic image which works well. ‘ ‘I was struck by the image of a graveyard full of older versions of oneself. Brilliant and astonishing for one so young’
“I have come here to die,” she tells me, smiling sadly.
At 81, she feels as invincible as she was the day she turned 21.
But she’s been made to leave her home, husband and pets for this cold town.
She loves good cheese and Egypt.
She feels deeply misunderstood.
I listen in silence as she tells me of her full life, of all she’s accomplished and still wishes to do.
I wish I had an answer for her, I wish I could take her loneliness away.
But all I can do is smile and nod.
This story is very affecting. ‘Phrases like “she loves good cheese and Egypt” really work for me, in the contrast between cheese and Egypt! We’ve all felt like this when we meet a beloved older person. If only we could hear all their stories! ‘Frankly, it just made me tear up. It’s the simplicity of the images that gets to me’
WHAT DO YOU THINK? Your comments are welcomed! Look at the shortlist – http://jonelkon.com/the-shortlist-senior/did the Judges choose the right stories?
Mimicked me , truly deep and well written , first story that stood out to me .
Mimicked Me – Absolutely incredible. We often get so consumed by life that we forget we had to shed past versions of ourselves to be where we are today.
My favourite story is Mimicked Me by Lorna Malan ❤️ I love her style of writing. I was eager to read more.
Wow, all so beautiful, however, Mimicked me , most of humanity are wearing so many masks in these times, most don’t know who they are, and by the time they leave this world, they have been so many , they are lost. THIS story tells this truth so well. Excellent.
In my opinion, Beulah Harris has the ability to make it all come together in a single sentence. Well done Beulah Harris.
Despite an obvious bias I find ” Old Age Home” an astounding achievement from a 20 year old writer. The simplicity, starkness and empathy makes me cry every time I read it.
Obviously as mine didn’t make it I’m sulking. But if I had a vote that sea story is amazing.
Mimicked me by Lorna, is incredible! So eager to read more. Satisfying yet left wanting. Imagery vivid within my head.
‘Mimicked me’ by Lorna… is beautiful, it is layered with so much of depth and understanding of what many people go through every day.
Mimicked me by Lorna is a absolute masterpiece 👌✨
Mimicked Me.
For me the most intriguing of the stories. It just paints a very clear picture. Where they say a picture speaks a thousand words. These words are a picture greatly described by the writer.
Mimicked me by Lorna. It’s a incredible piece for me. It’s deep and honest.As someone who has been in that place before I can truly relate.
Mimicked Me by Lorna, I have to admit Lorna’s already writ and come up with great stuff but by far Mimicked Me…. is the best I have ever read and it just keeps me captivated and wanting more it’s so subtle yet but intense with a real captivating story and very emotional I can almost feel the words and each sentence speaking to me and coming alive
I love the way Beulah Harris writes her stories. She does it with so much feeling. Her imagination and the way she brings the story across us done in style. I absolutely adore her story.
Wow, I read each piece with intrigue but Mimicked Me by Lorna Malan left me with a vision of all that has passed and the moment where there is hope; Not quite knowing what the future holds, but clinging on to something that is better than what has been. I felt every word with emotion.
I. My choice. Bringing the sinister side out of the ocean in such a descriptive way as to make it seem like it’s smiling is why this was my favourite. The ocean, provider of shelter and sustenance to a variety of life way beyond what we know of, is also the final resting place of a myriad of sentient and insentient bodies.
Lorna’s work is beautiful, it makes you think and delve deep into yourself.
All deserving finalists.
Definitely Beulahs one. Can’t wait to read it all. 😍 she has amazing talent and every one of her stories are packed with surprises. Keep them coming Beulah. You are superb.
Beulah Harris Has such a wonderful imagination and she is so expressive in this story. I felt quite mesmerised by this . The final sentence brought it all together – absolutely loved it!!
All Beulah’s stories are amazing and this one is no exception!!! I always look forward to her stories and am never disappointed !!! She is a true winner in every sense and should she win then it will be most deserved
The one that caught me the most : Mimicked Me by Lorna. It captured me with the magic in her words. I felt as if I was wandering inside get mind. So gripping and bitter sweet.
I, by Beulah Harris literally mesmerized me. This writer has talent beyond measure. In just 100 words she is able to intrigue and draw in the reader and then deliver that fabulous unexpected twist. Well done Beulah – your penmanship is an inspiration to budding authors and an absolute feast for readers.