THE MEGASAGA £100 GOES TO… 6 responses
Pavlova’s Megasaga, “Widow’s Peek” was (after a great deal of discussion amongst the judges) finally chosen as the winner of the first Megasaga competition prize.
Pavlova’s use of powerful language to convey strong emotions within the constraints of the megasaga form ensured her victory. She can also use words in an original way, showing an ability to experiment. This comes off well in this story. Well done Pavlova! Your prize is on its digital way.
Pavlova Maharaj lives in Durban, South Africa. She is only 23 years old, and has loved writing all her life. This is her first entry into a competition, so a wonderful result! When she was a few years younger, Pavlova began a medical degree in China. Sadly, time distance and finances brought her back to her home country where she has a happy social life and is developing her writing. I have no doubt we’ll be hearing much more from this talented young writer!
So here, once more, is
The winter sky is a widow’s sky, bedarkened and weeping. I began to hammer on, taking each bend like a child playing a video game, as the giant drops hit my windshield, sounding like the buzzing of angry bees.
I picture her waiting for me. Just a few more miles, I say to myself , as I take a sharp turn. Then, BOOM! It was all over. This widow sky cursed my wife to be a widow.
The darkness took over my mind and body… Goodbye My Love!
I was startlingly awoken by my dogs barking.
It was all a dream!
Congratulations dear,well deserved!
Well done .
Well done ..you sure make a good author
Congratulations Pavlova Maharaj. You really deserve this.
Congratulations Pavlova Maharaj.
A well written short story 👍
Congratulations Pavlova Maharaj.