No Words no responses
On Becoming an Orphan
I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know how to feel
Only words can comfort me now.
No words can comfort me now.
The ship set sail so long ago
All that was left
Was some smoke on the horizon.
Now they tell me
This great liner
Stuffed with souls and ghosts and memories
Redolent with the laughter and tears and learning and
On the top deck the band played and Sinatra sang
And once, crowded with passengers! – most of whom climbed into lifeboats, drifted off
Long ago
Even the Captain jumped ship
Sister manned the helm
So bravely while in the engine-room
Brother-in law stoked the engines
Brothers perhaps
Helped with maps
And now the great Mother ship
This morning
Once we were so safe in the stateroom
Immersed in the capacious library
Loved so much and told so! Endlessly.
We learned there:
Compassion. Understanding. Love for humans.
Hatred of oppression and lies
And the courage to stand up to them.
We learned to love Ideas
And search for truth.
We laughed a lot.
And then when Sam died
Her rock, her hawser to the stanchion
of her harbour
She just slipped her ropes
And set sail!
Sleep softly mutti
Your delighted cry of ‘Darling, I LOVE you’ stilled, except in our hearts.
Her Jonnneeeeee! Still with me.
Her Suzeeeee
Her Keithieeee
Her Jaimeeeeeee!
Our always-comforts.
We will ever hear her voice
She once said to me, ‘all I want to do is leave a line scratched on the beach’
Well Mutti you have left a deep, deep chasm in our landscape
Where we will live always
With love
For you