The WESTMINSTERTREE one response
In their crystal maze of glass and brass
The ruling class sit on our ass
And giggling make their silly rules
For proles and other silly fools
To carp and caw in rank dismay
As all their ownings are taken away
‘Oh bliss!’ they cry, ‘How joy it be
To water the Westminstertree!’
And joy-consumed the one percent
(Charging us a silly rent)
And farting methane and carbon and stuff
(well too much, dears, is NEVER enough!)
And unzipped they plash the tree with pee
The spreading roots of the Westminstertree!
Above on his nest the BORIS sits
Upon his eggs and picks his nits
While at his feet the sloven GOVE
Doth pose and flurry in jacket mauve
With hip-hop hussle he sways his hips
And blows him kisses through painted lips
His dagger hid inside his cloak
The Govester giggles at his jokes
And snidely pouts, quite off his head
On DDT and Cannabis bread
‘Oh Boris! Dear’ he ecstatic cries
‘You’re the cleverest one! – do up your lies –
Tis time your true blue flag unfurled –
BORIS is King of the whole fucking world!’
Below him on branches all insecure
The Tory Bluds are counting the score
The Williamson and his Black Widow spider
The Jenrick with his Planning Insider
The Raab, whose bleats defy
The sea and its waves, the glowering sky
The Priti who, ugly as sin
Leaves all her gees in the grammatical bin
And plowing her way though Channel’s squalls
Builds out of ocean, Britain’s walls
And there sits the Richi, Rishi Rich
Who singing softly ‘Well life is a bitch
When you ain’t got no money. Tee tee!
At last Great Britain ain’t as wealthy as me!
Now BORIS looking down decries
His useless team, that so defies
The cause of truth and justice grim
As all the Cab defers to him
‘Alack!’ quoth he, My ministery
Doth weigh me down the Westminstertree
And those that hath upclimbed and clawed
Hath reached too high – God I’m bored!’
And taking up his wooden saw
Our Boris doth the branches gnaw
And one by one they tumble down
Crying, ‘You shit you berk you malicious clown!
‘Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh you wait until I get my trews
And rumble thee on GB News!’
And soon the newbies are installed
In serried ranks some very bald
The GOVESTER farts in upper glee
As climbing up the Westminstertree
‘Oh Boris dear!’ He doth proclaim
“You Level me Up! Thou mighty brain!’
(His dagger held inside his cloak
He’ll keep for now. What a bloke!)
All Trussed up, good queen Liz
Wonders where ‘Abroad’ is
And can she send the Snowflakes there?
And get the Wokes – out of her hair?
Sajid at least a clean pair of hands
Quite mask-free he quite glibly stands
And by the past’s indication
Will put the backbench ahead of the nation!
Alok, alas, is still in post
To Cop 26 while the world doth roast
Quoth ‘We’ll wave a wand, you will see
How magically and sound
We still get coal from the ground
And oil from the sea
Thanks to me
And Boris the King!
Trust us to save
The whole fucking thing!’
The rest is such an awful shower
A nest of vipers with too much power
I can’t be bothered to write some more. Enough to say
If ONLY they would go away!
As clucking with delight as dim
As Boris’ might, they worship him
‘Oh King behold the world defies
The Westminstertree reaches up!
To the skies!
And never mind the Proles sad moans
As Covid seeps into their bones
And there’s nothing left in Sainsbury
Under the spreading Westminstertree!